Treating and Preventing Eye Injuries

At Devin Eyes, our Columbia optometry team wants to ensure all our patients are aware of common types of eye injury. In our experience, greater awareness encourages greater eye safety! Keep reading to learn more about eye injuries and what you should do if you experience one.

Leading Types of Eye Injury Treated by Our Columbia Optometry Team

Even a minor eye injury can be extremely painful and make it difficult to see! Here are a few of the most common types of eye injury we treat in our clinic:

  • Corneal ulcer (a scratch on the clear part of your lens)
  • Black eye
  • Chemical burns
  • Photokeratitis (also known as eye sunburn)
  • Fracture to the eye socket
  • Eyeball rupture
  • Penetrating foreign object

An eye injury can occur at home, at work, during sports, or even while out and about in the community. To reduce your risk of eye injuries, always wear appropriate safety eyewear and keep your vision correction prescriptions up-to-date.

Here’s What to Do if You Have an Eye Injury

Many minor eye injuries can heal on their own, but even small corneal scratches can lead to complications like infection. Some types of eye injuries can benefit from cool compresses or flushing out the eye with cold water, but be careful, because flushing out the eye may not be indicated in some cases.

Call an eye doctor or medical services if you’re not sure about what to do. Avoid touching or rubbing your eye, since this could spread bacteria or make your eye injury worse. Depending on your situation, we may advise coming in for treatment.

Please note that serious eye injuries (e.g. any injury with severe pain, active bleeding, or a penetrating foreign object) should receive immediate medical attention. Don’t delay! Left untreated, serious eye injuries may lead to long-term vision loss or even threaten your eye itself.

Concerned about Your Eye Health and Safety?

Don’t gamble on your vision. If you or a loved one has sustained a serious eye injury, call 911 or get to the nearest emergency room right away. Know that our Columbia optometry team is standing by ready to provide additional care throughout your healing journey. Call Devine Eyes at (803) 376-4545 to schedule an appointment or set up your next comprehensive eye exam.