Hard To Fit Contact Lenses
Wearing corrective lenses is usually the answer to blurry vision, whether that means glasses or contact lenses. Sometimes, correcting your vision isn’t a straightforward task. If your eyes are considered “hard to fit” your optometrist will have an extra challenge. At Devine Eyes, our eye doctor in Columbia, SC is up for that challenge and is committed to working with any eye conditions you may have so you can see your best as comfortably as possible.
request an appointmentWhat Does It Mean if You Need Hard to Fit Contacts?
There are several conditions that may lead your optometrist prescribing hard to fit contacts. Some of the most common include:
- Dry eyes
- Giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC)
- Keratoconus
- Astigmatism
- Presbyopia
With all of these conditions, traditional contact lenses are often not an option because they can lead to extra irritation or discomfort in the eyes, and may even increase the chance of infection.
With dry eyes, your eyes cannot make tears properly. This may result in either your eyes feeling dry and itchy or it can mean that they are excessively watery and sensitive. Gas permeable lenses are commonly prescribed for those with dry eyes because they allow your eyes to “breathe.”
If you have GPC, there are extra proteins in your tears, which makes your eyelids more susceptible to infection. Properly cleaning your contacts becomes even more important than usual. For some, daily disposable contacts are the answer. Others may need gas permeable lenses which are easier to keep clean.
Keratoconus is a condition where the corneas are irregularly shaped and begin to form a cone shape. This makes it difficult for traditional contacts to adhere properly to the eyes in order to correct vision. Eyeglasses may also fall short as a vision correction solution, and finding the right hard to fit contacts is often the best solution. For some, the rigidness of gas permeable lenses may do the trick. For others, it might be necessary to place these lenses on top of softer contacts in order to maintain comfort. Scleral lenses that rest on the sclera (whites) of the eye are also a possibility. The prescription portion of the lens vaults over the eye’s natural lens in order to provide vision correction.
Astigmatism is a refractive error that is irregular and makes vision distorted and blurry in a way that is not always related directly to distance. Toric contact lenses are capable of improving the vision of those with astigmatism.
Presbyopia is a condition that happens to many people over 40, especially if they have a history of nearsightedness. With the onset of this condition, seeing close up starts to become a problem and coincides with existing distance vision issues. The options here are usually either multifocal lenses that correct different vision problems, depending on where the wearer focuses their gaze, or monovision lenses, that corrects near vision in one eye, and far vision in the other.
No matter what your vision challenges may be, you deserve to see your best. If you’ve been struggling to find the right vision solution, our doctors at Devine Eyes might be just what you need. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, contact us at Devine Eyes in Columbia, SC at (803) 376-4545 to schedule an appointment.